The principal contributor to global warming is the emission of carbon dioxide. This arises primarily from the burning of fossil fuels.
Energy conservation is a major part of global warming strategy. Reduction of energy is imperative in today's world as certain targets need to be met as agreed by leading industrial countries.
Buildings are deemed to be the major target of the reduction of carbon emissions. Buildings account for just over 40 % of emissions in the leading industrial countries. The efficient use of energy has new emphasis in building regulations and codes around the world. Such emphasis brings pressure on building owners to design innovative ways to reduce their carbon emission. The outlaying cost will be covered by the long term saving of electricity.
Reflective high performance window film applied to glass in buildings will play a role in the reduction of energy and numerous companies worldwide have started to install Klingshield sun control products onto their windows. These products not only keep heat out in summer but also keeps the heat indoors in winter, saving money on air-conditioning bills. In winter heating costs are also reduced by turning off heaters.
Another area where saving can be achieved is by replacing standard globes in light fittings with led energy efficient light bulbs.
Improved insulation of walls is another way that can be looked at to reduce energy costs. A new product in development is a spray that effectively turns walls into radiators. This technology is being developed by a British university research and development campus in Nottingham.
This technology allows the walls to absorb the heat from the sunlight during the day and then slowly releasing it when the temperature drops. As a result of this breakthrough, huge savings will be made on household energy bills, especially in winter.
Should you need to understand the savings by applying Klingshied sun control window film to your building please consult our web site under the energy conservation page.