No window film applied to glass is burglarproof. Thick safety film applied to glass will reduce the speed of a burglar trying to get through a window. The resistance will depend on the thickness of the glass and the thickness of the film chosen.
The thicker the glass and the thicker the film the better the impact resistance will be. Another important factor is the type of instrument which can be used in the attack on the glass. It can range from hands, feet, bricks, hammers, axes or even a heat torch. All the above factors play an important role.
Klingshield safety film passes SABS testing for safety glazing. Attacks with a sharp instrument like an axe is very different to a baseball bat. The sharp point of the axe will pierce through the glass. A baseball bat is rounded and would be more difficult to penetrate the glass coated with film.
The possible entry by the attacker and the time available plays an important part in determining how much resistance will be necessary to prevent access.
Film attached to glass will often deter the attacker as the glass will shatter with the first blow and will have much more resistance than the regular glass.
Toughened glass with film applied is more susceptible to impact, but toughened glass such as the side widows of a car will burst with an attack with a spark plug. When the glass is fractured access through the glass is relatively simple.
Polycarbonate has a much better impact performance than glass
Another consideration when installing safety film on glass one needs to go for the thickest safety film, being 300 microns. One can also attached an anchor system on the edges of the window to reinforce the film at the edges.
The best solution is to put burglar bars and film to offer maximum protection in high risk areas. Should there be an explosion in the area, the film will prevent the glass from flying out and reduce injuries and damage to properties.
Thick safety film also comes with sun control properties killing two birds with one stone. These multifunctional films reduce heat and glare and also stop goods from fading.