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Barrier for Cars

Remarkable Barrier against Solar Attacks


Your vehicle is under solar attack every day of the year as the sun beats down with more intensity than ever before due to the depletion of our ozone layer. But in summer, that is when you feel it most as the interior of your car’s cabin becomes uncomfortably hot, similar to opening a hot oven and feeling the blast of heat.

We all need to cool down and take the heat off. Why not get the full protection of Klingshield’s “full house” window protection package.

The solar control window film cuts the heat and eliminates fading and glare, giving your car the best pair of sunglasses you could wish for. Your airconditioning starts to work more efficiently and therefore you have the advantage of saving on fuel.



Give your car the protection it deserves as the sun’s rays come from 92 million miles away. These hot rays cross our galaxies and undetected by the human eye, forcing their way through the stratosphere creating sun rays, flooding the interior of your car, attacking motorists and damaging interiors, the strained airconditioning, reduces the power of your engines to the disadvantage of the driver.

We are not at the mercy of the sun rays. There is now a remarkable shield, an effective barrier against the intense sunlight. We can virtually eliminate fading, drastically reduce glare and solar heat, protecting your investment.

Klingshield’s car window films are available in various colour options and densities. Klingshield’s window film also offers privacy and at the same time, shatterproofs your car windows.

For more information on front windscreen, side windows and back window protection, please contact us to make an appointment.