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Change The Way We Use Electricity.

Time to change the way we think about the use of electricity

Governments around the world are putting more pressure on consumers to change the way they think when it comes to carbon emission and global warming. Laws and regulations are being put into place to enforce the saving of precious energy. With the ever increasing costs of electricity and the shortage of power, consumers are starting to take new energy saving practices seriously.

Last year Escom led the way in supplying and installing energy efficient bulbs free of charge to all buildings in the Gauteng area. I guess this exercise killed two birds with one stone. Firstly it became an “awareness campaign” and secondly it reduced the pressure on their power plants which are under pressure to cope with the increasing demand.

Conventional old style bulbs were replaced with high energy bulbs which use far less power to run. Much improvement by large lighting companies has taken place in recent years with the introduction of LED lighting.

Numerous studies have taken place in all corners of the globe to help understand the behaviour of different styles of lighting products.

Governments around the world have targets to meet as an undertaking to reduce carbon emission. This commitment is not as easy as envisaged.

The buzz word in our modern society is “going carbon neutral”.

Klingshield Sputter Film


Electric cars will play a major role in the reduction of carbon emission and introduction of clean energy. Perhaps the world innovators should also take the electric bicycle more seriously as another means of transport. Let's get back to basics .

By 2050 I estimate all existing buildings will be upgraded and 90% of them will be run on renewable energy. Improvements in cooling and heating systems by the latest upgrading technology will reduce running costs.

The future will also shine on “thin film” technology as it will be the next best thing to sliced bread. The revolutionary solar energy film product will be used on roofs, walls and windows to absorb the sunlight and turn it into energy to run buildings.

New technology window films now stop 80% heat in summer, saving on air-conditioning costs and keeping 85% of heat generated indoors by heating systems. As electricity costs continue to rise worldwide this new style window film will play an important role in cutting electricity bills to escape carbon taxes which have been introduced in many countries around the world. New style window film can save up to 15% on electricity bills.

Professional energy auditors are now becoming the latest profession to do complete feasibility studies to analyze where power usage can be reduced. The first area is to calculate how much energy the lighting is using. Measurements of voltage usage are calculated in all areas of lighting, old and new.

By showing the reduction in the difference in new energy efficient bulbs and existing bulbs the auditors can calculate the savings. Electricity bills are analyzed to see how much is charged for peaking of electricity and other ways are introduced to reduce the peaking charges which in turn will reduce the client’s bill.

Other technology will be recommended by consultants who check the efficiency of the heating and cooling and the introduction of technology that will make this equipment operate more efficiently.

Auditors will recommend the use of Klingshield sun control window film to reduce the use of air conditioning and also bring about savings on heating bills.

Photovoltaic Thin Film will be introduced to be applied on roofs of buildings. This new revolutionary product will absorb the energy from the sunlight and store it in a grip and then utilise the energy to power all equipment in the building, thus turning the building into a highly efficient building.

This auditor’s report will be a win win situation for all. The auditor will receive a commission on the client saving ,the client will benefit from the immediate saving and improvement on their bottom line, and most important of all, the world environment will benefit from the reduction in carbon emission.

The renewable solar energy market has been the fastest growing market in the US economy in 2010 and 2011. A US conference on solar energy will take place in San Francisco CA in November and should be a very interesting place to be for innovative entrepreneurs to be able to stay on top of the game. This conference will be a highly focused event hosting all the leading players in the solar space.

The USA is the leading and largest market for the manufacturing of renewable energy products which is about to explode. Energy Auditors, solar experts, investors, electricity utility executives, vendors, manufactures will all be part of the delegates who will be attending the conference.

After reading the above I am sure you will agree that it is about time we all started getting serious about how we utilise and save electricity.

Finally, please contact us for your order